Events Detail

Title : Warrant Of Honour by Hindustan Scouts and Guides

Truth, Loyalty, Courtesy, Kindness, and many more scout qualities make one a better individual! With the guidance of its principal and leader, Mrs. Alka Kapur, MPS takes the extra step to inculcate such qualities in its students so they can be better global citizens of tomorrow.
For this virtuous effort, Principal, Mrs. Alka Kapur received a Warrant Of Honour from Sh. Srinivas Sharma ji, Founder & Chief Scout, Hindustan Scouts and Guides, and Sh. Bharat Arora ji, National Chairman, Hindustan Scouts and Guides and General Secretary of Action Committee of URPS, and has been honoured with the position of National Headquarter Commissioner (G).
MPS celebrates and honours the scouting spirit!

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 08 Mar 2022
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