
Title : Shining Bright: MPS Ranks Among...

  We are super excited to share that Modern Public School has achieved remarkable rankings in the prestigious CFore National Survey - 38th Nationally, 22nd in the State, and 12th in the...

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 18 Aug 2024 | ...View More

Title : Another Feather In Our Already Colored...

We are proud to announce that for the third consecutive year, our students' innovations have been selected among the top innovations in India at the ATL MARATHON 2023-24. Congratulations to...

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 09 Aug 2024 | ...View More

Title : Congratulations, Leeroy for the...

We are thrilled to announce that Leeloy Rustogi has secured the 1st position and won a cash prize of INR 15,000 in the Online Poster Competition on Consumer Awareness organized by the Centre for...

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 07 Aug 2024 | ...View More

Title : Laurels at DAV Nursery School

DAV Nursery School, Outram Lines​ organised event PANACHE 2024​ and Modernites brought fame to the school.

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 07 Aug 2024 | ...View More

Title : Modernites came out with flying colours...

Maxfort School, Pitampura​ organised event MAXPLORATORIUM ​ Modernites came out with flying colours.​

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 05 Aug 2024 | ...View More

Title : Modernites brought accolades at G D...

G D Goenka School, Sector –9, Rohini​ organised event CONGLOMERATE 2024 Modernites brought accolades in most of the events.​

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 05 Aug 2024 | ...View More

Title : Modernites taking the spotlight at...

We are thrilled to share our students’ stellar achievements at the 10th Quality Youth Initiatives Summit (QYIS 2024) organized in Mauritius by Quality Control Circles: Mathematics...

Posted By : Modern Public School | Date : 30 Jul 2024 | ...View More

Title : Accolades at International School

Modernites had clean sweep in a gamut of activities in 8th Quality Youth Initiative Summit 2019 held at Saint Esprit College Quatre bornes Mauritius.

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 27 Jul 2024 | ...View More
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