
Title : Special Recommendation at National...

It seems like the S in MPS stands for success After successful participation at the National Level of Children Science Congress for 6 consecutive years, the school has qualified at the...

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 12 Jun 2022 | ...View More

Title : Experiential Learning- Sensory Fun

The young minds of MPS taught about the sense of touch! MPS looks forward to inculcating the habit of learning by experiencing, i.e. experiential learning in its young global citizens of...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 18 May 2022 | ...View More

Title : World Athletics Day

MPS seeks to nurture and develop the athletes of future. On the World Athletics day, MPS taught its global citizens of tomorrow about various athletic sports. The spirit of athleticism taught...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 18 May 2022 | ...View More

Title : MPS makes it in the MHW School Ranking...

MPS makes it in the MHW School Ranking 2021. It is a day of honor for the entire MPS family, as we have been ranked #6 in the list of top schools all across the nation, by MHW School Ranking...

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 06 May 2022 | ...View More

Title : Experiential Learning-Importance...

MPS imparts knowledge about the importance of farming and agriculture! Agriculture and farming are a huge part of our culture and history. Additionally, it is very important for our young...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 02 May 2022 | ...View More

Title : Magic Show

MPS organized a magic show for our global citizens of tomorrow  of preschool and pre-primary. Our little ones were amazed watching the magician donning a black hat with a magic...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 02 May 2022 | ...View More

Title : Earth Day Celebration

To inculcate a habit in a young mind, you have to start at the early stages. On the occasion of Earth Day the junior section of students also celebrated this important day with great excitement and...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 02 May 2022 | ...View More

Title : Creative Learning - Human Senses

To teach its young and global citizen of tomorrow about human senses, MPS organized an activity where students creatively explained and display through art the five human senses. MPS has...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 02 May 2022 | ...View More
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