
Title : Modernites brought laurels at...

G D Goenka Public School, Model Town organised event – Wizarding World of Harry Potter. ​ Modernites brought laurels in most of the events.​

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 30 Jul 2021 | ...View More

Title : Modernites brought recognition

Bosco Public School​ organised event Virtual ​Pifest – Spectrum 2021. Modernites brought recognition at the event.

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 30 Jul 2021 | ...View More

Title : Monsoon Fun

Monsoon fun is in the forecast for MPS pre-primary students! Check out the fun activities planned for them - doodling, storytelling and more.

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 25 Jul 2021 | ...View More

Title : Show and Tell Activity -WIldlife

Learning about animals is a really great way for kids to learn empathy. To exercise empathy show and tell Activity was organized for class 3 students. They kindred spirits dressed up as animals...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 25 Jul 2021 | ...View More

Title : Rangoli Activity

Colors speak louder than words! Students of class 2 participated in Rangoli Activity with all enthusiasm and curiosity. They used their imagination to make colourful and unique rangolis using...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 25 Jul 2021 | ...View More

Title : World Emoji Day

'Emoji helps to create a visual bridge between the child’s primary language. Moreover, it's an amazing way to reflect on one's interpersonal skills.' In order to show emotions,...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 25 Jul 2021 | ...View More


Justice marks the importance of fighting against impunity and bringing justice for the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Thus, an activity for the students...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 25 Jul 2021 | ...View More

Title : National Mango Day

Today was a sweet juicy morning for the tiny tots of the class Pre Primary who conducted a Mango exhibition in their virtual class to celebrate the National Mango Day. They enjoyed making...

Posted By : Shilpi Batta | Date : 25 Jul 2021 | ...View More
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