
Title : Calligraphy Activity: Virtual Summer...

Our students of class V showed their skills with the pen as they participated in the calligraphy activity. It seems their career would be just as beautiful as those letters.

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : Flowery Gourd Painting Activity

Painting is one of the best ways of expression and doing it with unconventional objects allows the kids to explore their imaginative prowess. Modernites had quite a bit of fun experimenting painting...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : MyFriend (GameTime - Find a Pair)

Teaching children etiquettes is our job as educators and for this we arranged the activity MyFriend (GameTime - Find a Pair) where the kids had to pair the objects that go together. We were delighted...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : Sweet Yoghurt Activity

Our students of class 1 had the time of their life during the activity where they learn how to make the Sweet Yogurt Drink. We bet the tasty beverage afterwards was worth the effort!

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : Tie and Dye Activity

Kids love learning new skills, and our students from class 1 had a ton of fun while learning how to beautify clothes during the Tie and Dye activity.

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : Explore your hometown - Summer Camp

Modernites took us on a mini-tour of their hometowns as a part of their interactive summer camp activity - Explore Your Hometown. The children donned dazzling traditional attires and enjoyed the...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : Virtual Summer Camp : Science...

At MPS, learning isn't confined to the routine classes! This DIY solubility science activity helped our kids learning while enjoying their holiday break. The little scientists had a lot of...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More

Title : International Day For Biological...

The children of today will be the stakeholders of tomorrow, and given how woke they are on the subjects related to environmental protection, we can hope for a brighter, greener, cleaner future. This...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 07 Jan 2021 | ...View More
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