
Title : Quality Circle for Class IV

A Quality Circle on the topic 'It's our right to breathe' was organized for Class IV yesterday. The students expressed their rage by demanding their right to breathe fresh and clean air...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 06 Nov 2020 | ...View More

Title : Social Science Quiz

An intersection Social Science quiz which was held to brush up the knowledge of students related to Indian states and their capitals. Class 5C stood first clearing all four rounds namely...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 06 Nov 2020 | ...View More

Title : World Tsunami Day

Poster Making Competition (Class VI)

Posted By : Praveen Arora | Date : 05 Nov 2020 | ...View More

Title : Tux Paint Competition

Students of class II participated in Tux Paint Competition yesterday wherein they exhibited galore of creativity through the canvas. They made beautiful designs on the screen and gave them life with...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 04 Nov 2020 | ...View More

Title : Adventure Camp: A blend of buoyancy...

A thrilling adventure trip was organized for the students of classes VI to VIII to Comrade Base Camp today. The energetic commandos tried their hands on various feats like zip lining, zorbing, Burma...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 04 Nov 2020 | ...View More


On the occasion of World Rivers Day 2020, MPS is hosting a webinar on 'Keeping Our Rivers Flowing'. 27 September 2020 12 Noon. River Lady Ms. Arushi Nishank, Social Activist,...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 05 Oct 2020 | ...View More


JoshTalk Have you ever wondered what makes someone a genius? Well, now is your chance to find out from India's Wonder Girl, Jhanvi Panwar. We were live on...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 05 Oct 2020 | ...View More


When a reader enters the pages of a book of poetry, he or she enters a world where dreams transform the past into knowledge made applicable to the present, and where visions shape the present into...

Posted By : Arpit Kaur | Date : 05 Oct 2020 | ...View More
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